Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's Hard to Say I'm Sorry

Dear TSA Man,

I don't hate you or really anybody in the TSA. I'm sorry I said that loud of enough for you to hear and with a dagger of a stare. Have you ever taken a bite out of an oreo only to find that your little brother licked out the cream? It elicits a rather infuriating feeling. That is how I felt at that moment you ran my bag through the scanner for the second time to make sure I wasn't carrying knives with me, (which in fact I was, so my bad.) Anyway, you'll be happy to know that a) I liked your new uniform and b) it is a New Year's Resolution to be nothing but nice to all TSA personnel who I know are looking out for my safety and the safety of others by searching/frisking me just about every other time I go to the aiport.

Regretfully yours,


ps. And I didn't even miss my flight despite telling you angrily that I would. Oops! See you soon!


The Wimmer 5 said...

What? It's kind of a guilty pleasure, but I secretly love your ronchy side. I think it's just that I see it so infrequently so it gives me some kind of thrill. I was reminded of it Sunday (for reasons or people that will be left unmentioned).

Can't wait to hear this story in more detail. Possibly as I curl up on your couch.

mastermind said...

Your brother with the gun, you with the knives...I'm pretty sure TSA has caught on to you Clarks. It's not "random" that they frisk you every other flight. They've got pictures of you guys with the title "DANGER. FRISK 50% OF THE TIME" posted by their little x-ray screens. And who can blame them? Your collective record is not so hot...
I'm just waiting for Kristen to "accidentally" be carrying a hand grenade in her purse.

Courtney said...

I'm pretty sure that he deserved anything you gave to him, Kelly. Those guys are all on complete power trips!!

Candace Thomas said...

You kill me! I seriously love reading your blog. I am glad they let you through...ya know with the knives and all! Good to see you...

Kristen Nicole said...

Although I was not present for the current episode I believe every time I have traveled with you a similar situation has unfolded. You really are quite mean to the TSA!

Kelly said...

I know! That is what I am saying. It is wholly unacceptable. I feel like not only do I need to resolve to not being mean, I need to proactively be nice. Maybe I'll bake them some cookies.

Kelly said...


On the off chance that you read this again, I need the login to YOUR blog! It's blocked!

Please email me at your leisure:

So SO good to see you!!


Krista said...

kell! thanks for stopping by my blog. just the thought of you makes me so happy. i can't wait to visit your leftovers often. :) love you!

Rob and Mare said...

Why wasn't I warned by someone about you dangerous Clarks before I married one?!;) And Kelly with a knife AND attitude? Adam? Yes. Rob? Apparently yes. David?... maybe. But my Kelly? I wish I could have witnessed this. Oh but I have to admit I love how entertaining my life has become with you Clarks:)

Oh ya, one more thing, come home please

Anonymous said...

No offense, Kelly, but I am so glad you posted that so we could enjoy Mehgan's response. HAHAHAHA! Why is it that we only get the whole truth about you guys as we read your responses to each others' blogs?