Thursday, November 13, 2008

Personality Profiling

So at my dad's office they tend to do a lot of personality profiling, both in the hiring process and in the forming of teams. The latest test they've been using is the HBDI. This test is supposed to measure what part of your brain you use most and how it affects your thinking process (ie: analytical, interpersonal, etc.). It's pretty interesting, therefore, most of my family has also taken it. This way, when we secretly take over the world, we'll be able to work more effectively together. Unfortunately, there's not a free version on the web, but there ARE a couple other personality tests that I find to be enlightening.

MBTI Typeology Test - Or something like it.
Good interpretation of your Meyer's Brigg Score
Love Languages
Color Code

I spend a lot of my mental effort trying to understand people and their methods and motives, which is why these tests are so convenient. Why bother thinking for myself when multiple choice options can think for me? I know some people are bothered by personality tests because they feel they pigeon hole them, blah blah blah, but everybody concedes that you are more than just one color or a couple paragraphs.

Also, you may feel that love languages don't apply unless you are in a serious relationship, but I beg to differ. I think it can apply to really any relationship, familial, friendly, or romantic. I mean, imagine that co-worker you've been leaving notes for this past month. Every time she passes you she gives you a suspicious glance. Turns out, it's not that she thinks you're creepy, it's that she just needs a hug and you have been withholding! Words of affirmation don't do it for everyone, folks. Go give her a hug!

Oh, and if you put your personality profile in the comments box, I will certainly not complain! It will save me some time.


Rob and Mare said...

I couldn't believe how spot on that test was. It's very interesting. I am emotional (red). At first I was very upset that I had to be the "crazy" one in the relationship;) But then I read it meant I was very in tune with other people's feelings. So I'm not too crazy after all... I don't think... hmmm... ha ha anyways
I loved that test! It has helped me and Rob understand each other's thinking. Brilliant!
I'm super excited to see my Kelly! Rob and I have missed you. See you soon!

CompTron said...

I HATE MEYERS BRIGGS. no personality test has ever enraged me so.

however, I will gladly bear testimony of the love languages. You could say mine are T&A - time and affection, that is.

Kelly said...

Ha! Wendy, I see you have VERY strong feelings against it! The good news is we can both look forward to some T&A next Thursday at Ballad/Office/pudding night. Perfection.

(And I can't wait to see Rob and Mare. I miss you guys ALWAYS.)

Kristen Nicole said...

Pigeon holeing? Yes please. As it turns out I am proud to be strictly one color. Yellow. Fun is my middle name and don't bother me with ambition, world and interpersonal peace, or that emotional crap. Let's just party.

Camie said...

Once upon a time, I was a blue/white. Strangely, white has crept out of me and yellow has taken its place. I don't know for sure if that is a good thing but it is a true thing. I am funner than I once was, if you can imagine such a thing. :)
As for the love languages... the way I show love is through acts of service. The way I feel loved is through quality time spent with me. I didn't see your own test results posted... I would love to know to which pigeon hole you belong. Enlighten me, kells.

Kelly said...

Cams - you are more fun than days of yore? What?! Seemingly impossible, but I'm even now more excited to see you on my sojourn back to Utah.

I'm a red/yellow or yellow/red, depending on the day. Out of all things I love, fun and productivity reign supreme! I'm an ENFJ. My primary love languages are words of affirmation and touch. So that's that. But what's most important is that I see you soon.

daveghax said...

2. Service and Time
3. Red

and comptron, self-loathing doesn't become anyone. especially not hupus.